What a crazy week we had! Saturday night at Jonna's birthday party, Pearl asked me if Paige was signed up for the Transitional Kindergarten program and I told her I called and our district wasn't doing it. Well, the district changed their mind and Paige is the perfect candidate! It's for kiddos turning 5 in the month of November. So, I emailed the district Sunday and heard back from them Monday morning around 8:30am saying that Paige could enroll. So, off the the district office we went to fill out the paperwork. She was missing one shot so we got a doctor appointment the next day and she started Wednesday! She's in a Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten class M-F 8-12:30pm at Torrey Hills Elementary. Yay!!
Monday morning before hearing from the district I saw Nicole taking pictures of Ethan for his first day of Kindergarten and tears started rolling down my face! Just the thought that these kiddos are turning 5 and starting Kindergarten is a little overwhelming to me so I had some tears seeing Ethan and he's not even my kid! All day Tuesday my thoughts were consumed with Paige starting and all that entailed. Wednesday morning we got the school early and caught the teacher before school started. She asked us to come in the classroom for a few minutes to meet Paige and give her an idea of the classroom. I got a GREAT first impression from her teacher and that made it all just seem so right. Paige was so excited and comfortable so I think that made me the same and there were no tears from either of us! I'm trying to look at it as a "Pre-K" program and I'm thankful that it's not at the Elementary school that Paige will go to so that next year when she goes into Kindergarten it will be an exciting and new adventure. So, I think all that and it wasn't the first day for anyone else at the school made it really easy and as emotional as I was expecting! Oh, and I just remembered I got teary eyed at Clare's birthday party when everyone sang "Happy Birthday"...ha! I guess I just cry for all the other kids and not my own!! :)
I wish Tyler had his eyes open in this picture!
Mrs. Teisher!! She has been teaching for 19 years (17 in the Del Mar district), was awarded Teacher of the Year in 2005 and has 3 teenage kids of her own. So excited she is Paige's teacher and really impressed with everything so far! Paige is going to grow so much in so many ways this year.
Lined up with her classmates to head in to the classroom
Later Mom!
Tyler was busting at the seams to play on the playground so we played for a minute after dropping her off
Second day - she wanted a picture with her backpack on. Corbin and Maddie gave this to her and it is as girly girl as it gets...puffy sleeves and a velcro skirt on a backpack...sounds right up Paige's alley! Tyler is showing me his muscles :)
One from Jerm's phone
And, a few more from my year in Kindergarten...HA! I think my favorite are the pink ankle boots