Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jeromy's...I mean Paige's new toy

We got a karoke machine! Jeromy was on a mission to get Paige a boom box for her to carry around from room to room. She's been into music lately and Jeromy is all about supporting that passion. He is also on a mission to get a piano for our house. None of us play but he really wants Paige to grow up around we'll get one sooner than later, I'm sure! Anyway, we went to Toys R Us to get her a CD player with a handle and then I spotted a karoke machine. It was funny because Jeromy and Paige were around the corner and he was calling me to come look at something and said "lover?..." and Paige peeked around the corner because she knew I was there and yelled "lover?..." It was cute. Anyway, surprise, surprise Jeromy was totally into the karoke machine. There was a black one and a pink one so I suggested we get the black one but Jeromy wanted to get pink! Anyway, we came home and the princess songs began!
Dancing with her baby - that's Tyler's bassinet/cradle in the back! We still need to put the bumper and sheets on it but there it is! And, of course move it to our bedroom ;)
Nighty Night Baby!
Yee-Haw! Ride 'em Princess!

Paige is potty trained!!

Paige is officially potty trained...we think! We've been working on it for a few months not really pushing it but with all of this rain and me not going to Stroller Strides as much, I've been pushing it a little harder since we were home anyway. She does great when she's naked on the bottom - never had an accident so I decided to put panties on her. She wore panties to the park after Stroller Strides earlier this week and she tee-tee'd in her panties...oops! We tried panties at the grocery store and she went in the potty there so we were golden! Her incentive for not going in her panties was pom-poms and a megaphone. I think it's so funny that she wants to be a Cheerleader and really has no idea what they are but is so into it! I hope she wants to still be one when she is old enough to do it! Anyway, she's been wearing panties pretty much all week and going on the potty when she tells me or I ask her to try with me. So, (long story short) I'm very happy and proud to announce that Paige is potty trained!!!!

Beach Date with Zoey & Hayden

I can't remember when we went but a few weekends ago we went to Del Mar beach to meet the cousins for a picnic! They wanted to stay on the grass (4 1/2 month old twins and the sand don't mix well!) so we went a little early to give Jerm some time to surf and Paige some time to play in the sand. I think she could stay there and play all day. She has so much fun playing with her sand toys, chasing the birds, feeding the birds, and playing in the water. She's such a big girl!
There's my chair in the background with some very intellectual reading material...US Weekly and Parenting Magazine :)

Flower Girl Practice

To get Paige ready to be a flower girl, I showed her pictures of our wedding and our flower girl. She is so excited! Then I remembered that Nanny gave me some old veils that I used to play dress up with at her house when I was a little girl. Paige LOVED it! She walked around very slow and sweet and felt like a real bride. I asked her to pose for a picture and she turned her back again!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Raining, it's pouring!

We decided to go to the Children's Museum today since it was going to rain all day. While I was getting ready Jeromy wanted to let Paige play in the rain for a while so she got all geared up. Here's her new over the shoulder pose :)
Come on Dad!
Okay, fine. I'm going without you!
Bye Mom - going for a walk in the rain!

Friday, February 26, 2010

I made you a cake Mommy!

Tonight I gave Paige her dinner and a few minutes later, she started singing happy birthday to Mommy! She put all of her carrots in her hummus container like they were candles on a birthday cake! We've been quite the party goers lately...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What happens when Mom's out

When I go out for the night, Jerm and Paige always have so much fun. They usually play until they can't play anymore and then watch a movie for a while to get ready for bed. Jeromy will send me pictures from his iphone...I love getting them :)
All propped up watching her favorite movies
Making Jello Pudding...this was a hit! I bought pudding and jello the other day and Paige loved it. She's really into helping us in the kitchen lately. Yesterday she climbed up onto the kitchen counter all by herself...scary!
Enjoying a little dinner on the stairs

The tough life of my 2 year old

Paige had dance class yesterday and all she was interested in was wearing her tap shoes! She cried for the first 5 minutes of class and was super clingy because she was not happy doing ballet. She finally got over it and participated. When it was time for her tap shoes she put them on super fast and ran over to Miss Ginger like "what's taking you so long?"
Now there's a happy face :)

Am I doing it right, Mom?
After dance when we were walking to the car Paige said "Miss Gingerman is crazy!" and then started giggling.

Then we were off to Jake's 3rd birthday party. He had an all day bouncy house party! Paige had a great time and got along with the kiddos really good. I'm so happy that she's doing better with all of that. She loved this red car. She parked it by one of the bushes while she was in it and picked all of the berries off and was singing to herself. If we only knew what all went on in her little world!
Happy Birthday to you!
Enjoying her cupcake with her buds Maddie and Corbin
There were necklaces all around the cupcakes and Paige had to have ALL of them to put around her neck...Fancy Nancy style :)
Then we had Alex and Arlene over for dinner. Alex works with Jeromy and him and Arlene are getting married in July and asked for Paige to be their flower girl! They came over last night to spend some time with Paige and go over some details. I'm so excited for this! Paige is going to have so much fun! They are having cupcakes at their wedding so Arlene picked up all the samples and had us help them tasting them all...yummy!
This is Paige's new pose...a little over the shoulder shot with pouty lips. What a ham!
She really liked Alex and made sure he sat by her at her dinner table. He looks comfy, huh?
I'm having so much fun with Paige right now! She is being such a good girl and is so stinking cute. For some reason her answer to my questions all day was "no, thank you." I would ask her if she wanted like 5o different things and she just kept saying "no, thank you." How polite :)


Paige, you're Mom looks huge...she's going to pop any day now.

Yep, she talks about it all the time. Makes me kiss her belly and say hi to Tyler.

How about you? Tell me the real story about this whole "big sister" thing. BTW, you brother's birthday was super fun the other day.

Yeah, it was okay. I can't believe my brother cried when my Mom gave him cake! Being a big sister is great. A little hard in the beginning but you'll get the hang of it.

Okay, cool. Thanks Clare :) Wanna build a sandcastle?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hanging with my buddy

Today we skipped Stroller Strides...I'm done for a while...and just went to the park after class for Paige to play with her friends. Her and Corbin were attached for a while and were running around together and ended up sitting on the bench for a while. It was really cute and I'm glad Danielle got a picture of this sweet little moment!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tyler's Baby Shower!

What a FUN day!! Nicole, Kim, Sarah S., Sara D., Reyna and Kendyl threw me such a fun shower and I got the CUTEST things for Baby Tyler! Seriously...I got some great gifts! I feel so blessed to have such a great group of girlfriends!

We started the day with a little princess movie with her first outfit of the day...her new Minney Mouse dress! I love it when she snuggles with me.
Here's outfit #2...Princess and the Frog jammies from Tootsie
And now outfit #3 and it's still early! Sleeping Beauty...I mean Paige...saying a quick good-bye to Tootsie
Me and Kadee! We are one week apart

Tyler banner made with love from it!
Personalized sign from Nicole for Tyler's door. It says "Tyler's Caddy Service...Early tee times are my speciality!
And, a super sweet little beanie! I hope it fits for longer than a week...ha!
Adorable outfit from Danielle...I can't wait to put this on baby Tyler!
Erin, Courtney, Danielle and Kristen
The whole gang!
Tootsie and Kendyl working hard on the game

Me and Nicole
My Mom I think pretending like she has a big belly too?!
Love this pic!

How did my friends know I love polka-dots?! I love this cake and it was so yummy
We played a game where everyone divided up in groups and went through magazines to create a picture of what they thought Baby Tyler is going to look like. One rep from each group stood up and described the babies they created...hilarious! I got to choose the winner. I choose Danielle's group - they had a super cute baby with a blue bow on the front and then put a cute little black baby on the back saying that it is the UPS Man's baby! If it isn't obvious, we have a black UPS man who we all LOVE! I thought that was too funny so chose them.

Paige wanted to put on Tootsie's dress after she changed from the shower so here she is in outfit #4! And, you'll notice she has no bow in her hair...somehow she never has a bow on when Dad's in charge :) She's being the Fairy Godmother with her wand.
Me and Courtney! She's a good friend from Texas and is pregnant with a Baby Ruby due in July! She has the cutest little baby bump.
Me and the proud Wally Pop
Thank you so much to all my friends who made it such a fun day!