Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trip to Texas for Meredith's Wedding!

Monday we were off to Texas for Meredith's wedding! Paige did great on the flight considering what a busy body she is. I was very proud.

We spent Tuesday with my Nanny and Poppa.

That night I went to Jennifer's apartment and we went to have some drinks. Jennifer is one of my best friends and no matter how long we have been apart it doesn't take long for us to connect. We had a great night catching up and sharing pictures from recent events.

Wednesday we went to my Cousin Aaron's house. We finally got to meet baby Aiden!! He had just turned 3 months and was already rolling over! We visited with his wife Manda, Papa, Billye and Aaron.

Manda is battling cancer right now and is such an inspiration to me. She is staying so positive and fighting so hard it makes me proud. She loves that baby with all of her being! You can see such a special bond between them when they look at each other. Such a special part of their lives and I was glad to share an afternoon with them. That night I went to dinner with Tifani and Nathan in Arlington. Tifani is one of my oldest and dearest friends! We've been friends since first grade! Nathan is a great friend of mine from HS. We had a great time at dinner...it was so good to see them both!

Thursday I was off to Austin early for Meredith's wedding! I met the other bridesmaids and we made the trip Southbound on 35 to the state's capital. Upon arriving in Austin, we made the crucial stop to pick up some BEER!
We pulled up to the Four Seasons and almost didn't get to check-in because we had too much beer for the number of people who was checking in! Totally ridiculous but we worked something out and made our way up to meet Mere Mere! That night we went out to dinner and drinks with all the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

We had a really fun night full of drinks, dancing and solving some of the world's problems...until 4:30 in the morning!! Yes, that wasn't a typo...we went to bed at 4:30am!!

We awoke early to make our mani/pedi appointment. We went to lunch after a little pampering and all made Mere's parents proud by rolling up to the Four Season's in the bed of Chris' truck!
I snuck in a quick nap before the rehearsal...thank goodness because I was totally exhausted. I can't hang like I used to! We rehearsed Plan A for an outside ceremony and Plan B for an inside ceremony. Good thing we rehearsed both because it poured rain on her wedding day and it ended up being inside! Bummer but Mere took the news like a champ. Take a look at her rehearsal bouquet!! That's by far the biggest one I've ever seen!

Anyway, back to the rehearsal night...after the rehearsal we went to dinner. Yummy!

We had a great dinner followed by live music, amazing Best Man/Maid of Honor speeches and a fun slideshow! I cried like a baby!! Well really laugh/cried :) They showed baby pictures and that made me cry because it reminded me of Paige!

Wedding Day!!! We spent the day getting our hair and makeup done...loved every minute! The wedding was beautiful. Mere and Eric are such a perfect fit and are so cute together. They even wrote their own vows!! The reception was lots of fun...full of dancing, drinking and catching up with old friends. I love weddings!!

Sunday we were back to Tootsie and Wally Pop's earlier than I planned...Jerm missed Paige too much! I'm glad we came back early because we had such a fun night. Gotta love the Hardin Hacienda!

Monday Jerm flew back to SD early and my Mom, Paige and I spent the day celebrating...my BIRTHDAY! Yup, number 28! We had so much fun shopping and spending time together. Thanks Mom for all the great clothes! It's a rare occasion for me to shop for myself so I took full advantage of Tootsie's help...and wallet! Ha! That night I met Parker, Schroeder, Jennifer and Lisa at Joe T Garcia's...yummy!

Good food and great swirls!! We had a really good time catching up. Love girl's night out!! Tuesday we arrived back in SD. Jerm picked us up and had a bouquet of roses for me! How sweet :)

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