Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Running Errands with Mom

Today Paige and I went to UTC to run some errands and had so much fun! We weren't in a hurry and really had no agenda besides returning some things. One being the bike Jeromy got her for her birthday! It's one that doesn't have any pedals so the kids just run to get the bike going and then hold their feet up. I guess it teaches them to ride a bike early. Anyway, we were so excited to give it to her and she saw it and said "No like bike." So, that was the end of that! We gave her a few more chances to get interested with no luck. Back to the bike store it went. Anyway, we spent some time playing in PBK. She loves playing in there and what kid wouldn't!
She loved this sheer drape. She would hide in it and then kinda dance with it and say she was a ballerina.

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