Thursday, June 24, 2010

Christmas Treats

Paige and Tyler were sick this week so not too much to report on. They had coughs and congestion but were in overall good spirits so that was nice :) One day we made Rice Crispy Treats (don't think I didn't burn the butter...guess I'm not the next host of Semi-Homemade) and Paige had so much fun. She called them Christmas Treats! She wanted to put pink sprinkles on them but proceeded to put the top of the jar entirely in her mouth so those were trash and we compromised with blue. Obviously I don't have to do this with treats, but if Paige won't eat something I would entice her to eat it by putting pink sprinkles on it! I figure it's not too much added sugar and sometimes would do the trick! Anyway, even with the burnt butter, they turned out pretty good.
Paige licking her finger and eating the sprinkles off the top while they cooled off
Ha, caught ya!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love the pink sprinkle trick. That is awesome!!