Danielle throws the BEST Halloween party for the kids every year! It's always a blast and it's one of my favorite parties :) I can't believe it's already come and gone this year!!
I wanted to get her a hostess with the mostest gift and thought an apron might be one of the only Halloween things she didn't already own! So, we all pitched in and got it for her. I think it's adorable!
Paige showing her victory apple after bobbing...but by the looks of her dry face and hair, she might have cheated a bit!
Decorating Halloween Cupcakes
All the Momma's! Love these girls :)
This is such a sweet pic!
Notice how there is only one girl in the WWF arena?
Then Maddie and Tyler joined in the fun
Teacher Sarah using her skills to settle the kids down with a game of 'Simon Says'
And then a game of 'Duck, Duck, Goose'...this was SO fun to watch all the kids play!!