Thursday, February 25, 2010

The tough life of my 2 year old

Paige had dance class yesterday and all she was interested in was wearing her tap shoes! She cried for the first 5 minutes of class and was super clingy because she was not happy doing ballet. She finally got over it and participated. When it was time for her tap shoes she put them on super fast and ran over to Miss Ginger like "what's taking you so long?"
Now there's a happy face :)

Am I doing it right, Mom?
After dance when we were walking to the car Paige said "Miss Gingerman is crazy!" and then started giggling.

Then we were off to Jake's 3rd birthday party. He had an all day bouncy house party! Paige had a great time and got along with the kiddos really good. I'm so happy that she's doing better with all of that. She loved this red car. She parked it by one of the bushes while she was in it and picked all of the berries off and was singing to herself. If we only knew what all went on in her little world!
Happy Birthday to you!
Enjoying her cupcake with her buds Maddie and Corbin
There were necklaces all around the cupcakes and Paige had to have ALL of them to put around her neck...Fancy Nancy style :)
Then we had Alex and Arlene over for dinner. Alex works with Jeromy and him and Arlene are getting married in July and asked for Paige to be their flower girl! They came over last night to spend some time with Paige and go over some details. I'm so excited for this! Paige is going to have so much fun! They are having cupcakes at their wedding so Arlene picked up all the samples and had us help them tasting them all...yummy!
This is Paige's new pose...a little over the shoulder shot with pouty lips. What a ham!
She really liked Alex and made sure he sat by her at her dinner table. He looks comfy, huh?
I'm having so much fun with Paige right now! She is being such a good girl and is so stinking cute. For some reason her answer to my questions all day was "no, thank you." I would ask her if she wanted like 5o different things and she just kept saying "no, thank you." How polite :)

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