Sunday, May 23, 2010

We finally rode in the car...

We went to the grocery store today...or should I say the circus went to the grocery store today! I swear we were there FOREVER! Tyler was asleep most of the time in the carseat and Paige was actually really good in the car. She didn't get out once...we just bought more stuff! The first thing she picked out was a loaf of bread...yes, you read that correctly...a loaf of bread! The kid who has never taken a bite of a sandwich wanted a loaf of bread. She only wanted it because it was branded "Toy Story". She's seen the movie once! She grabbed the loaf before I even knew what she was doing and gave it a big hug. Well, I guess it is ours now! Then she decided she was tired and took a 5 second nap in the car and used the loaf of bread as a pillow. Yes, it was definitely ours now. And, we bought Tiana fruit snacks. Anyway, we were there forever but it was fun :)

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